Popular Tutorials in Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100.

    • What are Decimals?What are Decimals?

    What are Decimals?

    Have you ever looked at the price of something? It's usually given as a decimal! Decimals are a very helpful part of math and can be found in may places in the real world. Watch this tutorial to learn all about decimals!

    • How Do You Write a Fraction as a Decimal?How Do You Write a Fraction as a Decimal?

    How Do You Write a Fraction as a Decimal?

    Sometimes fractions can be easier to work with if they're in their decimal form. This tutorial shows you how to turn a fraction into a decimal with a few simple steps!

    • How Do You Write a Decimal as a Fraction?How Do You Write a Decimal as a Fraction?

    How Do You Write a Decimal as a Fraction?

    You can turn a decimal into a fraction with a few simple steps! Follow along with this tutorial to learn how to write a decimal as a fraction!