When factoring a trinomial into the product of two binomials, it's sometimes good to know all the possibilities. This tutorial uses the guess and check method to do just that! Take a look!
You can't do algebra without working with variables, but variables can be confusing. If you've ever wondered what variables are, then this tutorial is for you!
There is a bunch of vocabulary that you just need to know when it comes to algebra, and coefficient is one of the key words that you have to feel 100% comfortable with. Check out the tutorial and let us know if you want to learn more about coefficients!
Polynomials are those expressions that have variables raised to all sorts of powers and multiplied by all types of numbers. When you work with polynomials you need to know a bit of vocabulary, and one of the words you need to feel comfortable with is 'term'. So check out this tutorial, where you'll learn exactly what a 'term' in a polynomial is all about.
If you learn about algebra, then you'll see polynomials everywhere! In this tutorial, you'll learn the definition of a polynomial and see some of the common names for certain polynomials.
Factors are a fundamental part of algebra, so it would be a great idea to know all about them. This tutorial can help! Take a look!
Did you know that when you're factoring a trinomial, the signs in the trinomial determine the signs in the product of the binomials? This information is really useful when you're factoring trinomials! Watch this tutorial and learn the different sign cases.